This section contains contents available on line resources derived from EDiTE project that could serve as references to future students and academics.
Blended learning literatureTinoca, L., Oliveira, I., & Pereira, A. (2014). A Theoretical Framework for E-Assessment in Higher Education: Authenticity, Consistency, Transparency and Practicability. In S. Mukerji and P. Tripathi (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Transnational Higher Education Management. IGI Global.
Tinoca, L., & Oliveira, I (2013). Formative assessment of teachers in the context of an online learning environment. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 19 (2), 221-234.
Pedro, N. (2012). ‘Integração Educativa das TIC’: uma nova abordagem ao conceito. Educação, formação e tecnologias, 5(1), 3-16.
Costa, F., & Viseu, S. (2008). Action and reflection - nuclear strategies of teacher training for ICT use. The Learning Teacher Journal, 2(2), 27-44.
Matos, J. F. (2010). PrincĂpios orientadores para o desenho de Cenários de Aprendizagem.Project Learn report. Acedido em 29 Março 2011 em
Borzea Anca, Mironov Cosmina . “Blended learning outline” (EDiTE PRODUCT)