Advanced learning

Blended learning


This section contains contents available on line resources derived from EDiTE project that could serve as references to future students and academics.

Blended learning cases

EDiTE Blended learning October 2013

  • Blended learning literatureTinoca, L., Oliveira, I., & Pereira, A. (2014). A Theoretical Framework for E-Assessment in Higher Education: Authenticity, Consistency, Transparency and Practicability. In S. Mukerji and P. Tripathi (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Transnational Higher Education Management. IGI Global.

  • Tinoca, L., & Oliveira, I (2013). Formative assessment of teachers in the context of an online learning environment. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 19 (2), 221-234.

  • Pedro, N. (2012). ‘Integração Educativa das TIC’: uma nova abordagem ao conceito. Educação, formação e tecnologias, 5(1), 3-16.

  • Costa, F., & Viseu, S. (2008). Action and reflection - nuclear strategies of teacher training for ICT use. The Learning Teacher Journal, 2(2), 27-44.

  • Matos, J. F. (2010). PrincĂ­pios orientadores para o desenho de Cenários de Aprendizagem.Project Learn report. Acedido em 29 Março 2011 em

  • Borzea Anca, Mironov Cosmina . “Blended learning outline” (EDiTE PRODUCT)