Intensive research


Innovative schools and excellence in education are key factors for future knowledge-based societies. Professionals in teaching and learning have to meet the challenges set by new scientific knowledge and changing environments. These developments require effective ways of education in teacher professionalism which target the emerging challenges both theoretically and practically, embedded in a complex network of social developments, political interest, national cultures and traditions.

Teaching professionals are increasingly confronted with complex global challenges and there is a focus within and across areas teacher education programmes throughout Europe preparing teachers for European co-operation. It is crucial that teacher educators are at the forefront of advancement in this area. The development of EDiTE is required to engage with European issues and ultimately producing young researchers with European co-operation. International mobility, including transsectoral and transdisciplinary mobility should be recognized as having an added value for the career development of early stage researchers.

According to a report produced by the European University Association for the 2007 London Conference of Higher Education Ministers' universities are encouraged to enhance their efforts to support mobility at doctoral level within the framework of inter-institutional collaboration as an element of their broader institutional strategy. In 2009 the European Network of Teacher Education Policies (ENTEP), did a survey on the connections between the teacher education, teacher career evolution and doctoral programmes among its members. The survey revealed that in many European countries – including the consortium countries – the doctoral programmes in teacher education are not developed in a pro-active manner. There are obstacles to enter existing PhD programmes in Educational Science, the career paths of teacher education rarely includes the possibility of the third cycle of Bologna involving post graduate research activities.

The EDiTE – European Doctorate in Teacher Education is implemented by the consortium of five universities as a kind of action research to develop an innovative curriculum, leading a pioneering interdisciplinary doctoral programme in teacher education.