definition of
teacher education


Five universities from the European higher education area have initiated the EDiTE – European Doctorate in Teacher Education. The main objective of the EDiTE project is to develop through consultation with European experts an innovative curriculum that does not exist yet, leading to a pioneering interdisciplinary doctoral programme in teacher education. The highly innovative doctoral programme intends to promote lifelong learning in the sector. This collaborative development will add a European dimension to current provision in this area, but will also allow for the development of joint systems and practices in teacher education, which are equally relevant for local stakeholders and end users.

EDiTE Progress Report 2014
The progress report provides insight into the project development and current status of the realization of the European Doctorate in Teacher Education, including a description of the project objectives and approach, the achievements (outcomes and results) of the first year of the project, the partnerships and network that forms the basis for the implementation of the doctoral programme, and the plans for the future and contributions to EU policies in the field of teacher education. The full report can be downloaded as here (PDF).

EDiTE Final Public Report
The full report can be downloaded as here (PDF)

EDiTE Project has been funded with support from the European Commission. Project number 527604-LLP-1-2012-1-AT-ERASMUS-EMCR within the LLP under ERASMUS sub programme.
PROJECT DURATION: 01.10.2012 - 30.09.2014.