The EDiTE consortium defined the basic
of EDiTE curriculum development processes at its first project meeting in Innsbruck (2012 October), which decisions were
followed by the elaboration of the
Overall Programme Architecture. This document laid down the cross-disciplinary curriculum philosophy and the
goals of the program, and defined the principals for the design of the two curriculum
The Bucharest curriculum development meeting (2013 April) gave the floor for
the discussion on the
modules content and on the
frameworks of the Advanced Pedagogical Studies Module and the Research Intensive
Module. The currently ongoing elaboration of the EDiTE research program is enriched
by two joint seminars on teacher education held in Lisbon (2013 September) and
Budapest (2014 July) with the aim of developing shared concepts and accumulating
knowledge. The final phase of the elaboration of the modules’ content is the
examination of the
alignment in content and form, pedagogy and research of the EDiTE curriculum.
The development processes in 2014 September is closed by the finalization of
European Doctorate programme-structure, quality assurance and recognition procedures. The EDiTE consortium defined the basic
frames of EDiTE curriculum development processes at its first project meeting in Innsbruck (2012 October), which decisions were
followed by the elaboration of the
Overall Programme Architecture. This document laid down the cross-disciplinary curriculum philosophy and the
goals of the program, and defined the principals for the design of the two curriculum
The project implementation follows three main phases, leading from mapping the
field of teacher education, to the development of a doctoral curriculum, to the
agreement and recognition of the curriculum structures as basis for the future
joint provision of the doctoral programme.
The EDiTE Detailed Implementation plan is a confidential document restricted to the use of the universities currently implementing the programme, since it is the most important product for the exploitation of the EDITE project. It aims at the maximization of project results in the best possible way and realizing the innovative EDiTE research programme during the final phase. A public summary document can be downloaded here (
The core implementation activities, i.e. the consortium agreement, the piloting phase and the actual accreditation and start of the programme planned for the winter term 2015/16, all contribute to the development of the innovative EDiTE Joint research programme.
Universities interested in cooperation and in the implementation and future delivery of the EDiTE doctoral programme are recommended to contact the project consortium via