From the perspective of lifelong learning (LLL) the EDiTE Programme takes into consideration professionals involved in teaching and learning in the wider area of TE in a very broad educational meaning. This group includes – but is not restricted to – qualified teachers with a specific diploma, for instance in physics, maths etc., professionals with a post-graduation in TE, with MA/MSc in Educational Science or TE, and other professionals in the area of teacher education.
Additionally, practitioners with a different, but related, pedagogical background, according to their profession, are among the target group (for instance: teachers from different scientific areas, educators in organisations who deal with human resources, educational centres, experts and practitioners in early childhood education and care, pedagogical supervisors, mentors, tutors who promote LLL development in a humanistic paradigm, different kinds of social workers in an educational context).
Generally speaking the target group includes those who can combine praxis with the critical view of teachers’ competences.
Focusing on students’ learning processes the EDiTE curriculum development approach is guided by the curriculum models of research-, problem- and project-based learning using the principles and practices rooted in these philosophies for the aim of realizing a complex individual research project successfully, where success means fulfilling the requirements towards a doctoral level qualification in teacher education.
The concept of structuring the curriculum around two modules, with the goal of coherence between these, supports flexibility and the concentration of content. As a PhD for professionals aiming at a joint degree delivered by five universities, EDiTE uses blended learning as an approach to create a learning environment fitting the needs of students who work during their studies and learn in an international space.