The EDiTE programme architecture and module content arrangements constitute a leading-edge contribution to re-tooling patterns of provision and qualification in European higher education in teacher education. The overarching curriculum sets a focus on teaching and learning, including the competence profile required for the EDiTE: content competence and transversal competences. The programme architecture and module descriptors follow a cross disciplinary philosophy, and are oriented towards the professionalization of teacher education in Europe.
The document provides support for teaching staff and supervisors in the EDiTE partner universities to develop their teaching within the doctoral programme. It can also serve as a starting point for PhD students' individual research activities. Supportive literature is listed for the majority of topics of the two modules (see the EDiTE Curriculum Framework for a list of all topics). This collection is based on contents that already exist in the partner institutions; it is not exhaustive. Further, exemplary cases and student activities are proposed to provide insight into teacher education practices within the EDiTE consortium.
The document can be downloaded here (PDF).