About EDiTE


The European Doctorate in Teacher Education (EDiTE) is a four-year project supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, Marie-Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement number 676452.

The project takes place over a period of four years (October 2015 – September 2019). Under the project, fifteen Early Stage Researchers from eleven countries (Bhutan, Czech Republic, Ecuador, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Nepal, Poland, Serbia, Syria, USA) are employed by five partner universities, where they work closely with supervisors and pursue individual research projects in the framework of the EDiTE joint research programme.

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Disability – A Litmus Paper for Morality in Poland

Polish parents of adult disabled together with their children are again organising a sit-down strike. On Wednesday (April 18, 2018) they entered the Sejm, the lower house of the Polish parliament. This time they have other opponents.


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EDiTE Research Program: Transformative teacher learning for better student learning within an emerging European context

The theme of the EDiTE program, Transformative Teacher Learning for Better Student Learning within an Emerging European Context, draws on the deep interdependence of educational research and practice. Therefore, over the course of the project, the EDiTE community envisions growing  into a leading European network for innovation in teacher education, accessible to academics, practitioners and policy makers.


One of the most important issues in education is how to increase the quality of teaching, improve the effectiveness of classroom-level processes and develop teachers’ practical knowledge. Almost all curriculum development interventions aim at improving teacher learning, as this is the most important tool in supporting teachers to cope with new challenges, a process that has implications on individual, institutional and national levels.

We are interested in understanding how teachers learn about the learning of students. Thereby it will be necessary to pay attention to (1) the nature of teachers’ professional knowledge, (2) the collective or social nature of teacher learning and (3) the role of teacher research. A range of (qualitative and quantitative) research approaches will be used to find out more about teacher learning in the participating countries.

According to research results, innovative learning environments, typically found in “knowledge-intensive” schools, could serve as the most inspiring context for teacher learning. In a dynamic context organizational structures are favourable to achieving the enrichment of applied methodologies, launching local-level innovations, developing organizational culture, and increasing students’ learning motivation and outcomes.

To contribute to this innovative perspective, we understand teacher learning as “transformative learning” (when teachers understand their students’ learning to which they adapt their teaching, which in most cases involves a radical change in their professional conduct). This transformative learning does not only happen during teacher education, but during their whole professional life, a great part of which is work-based. Teacher learning has to be connected to student learning. This is more than a learning theory, teachers and students belong to a community/communities of practice.


Student learning is not only what can be measured (e.g. in effectiveness studies) but includes non-measurable components. In fact, most of our learning experience is not measurable (Conner & Sliwka, 2014). In our research, we are asking about the implications of this fact for teacher education, conducting research on the nature of the (deep) learning of teachers whose starting point is their understanding of the complex world of learning of their students. Ethnographic, phenomenological and other approaches will enable researchers to pursue research at this level of understanding.


Taking the “European Teacher” (ENTEP/Schratz, 2010) as a starting point, we will aim to define what the emerging European context for teacher learning could be (designed or forecast; cf. the Bucharest Reference Research Center focussing on Foresight Studies) and what skills, competences and attitudes of teachers should be developed. Reflection on the future perspective of education in Europe will be an on-going focus for ESRs in the process of their collaborative work across the partner institutions and countries.

EDiTE Research Community
EDiTE PhD Curriculum
EDiTE Consortium

This website is part of a project that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie-Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement number 676452.

The project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

2015 © Copyright - European Doctorate in Teacher Education (EDiTE)