The European Doctorate in Teacher Education: Transnational Perspectives of Teacher Learning in an Emerging Europe

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Helena Kovacs, Vasileios Symenidis, Josefine Wagner, Andras Fehervari, Michael Schratz & Gabor Halasz – EDiTE Symposium/Presentation at ECER 2017, University College UCC, Copenhagen, 21 – 25 August 2017, Copenhagen, Denmark.

A mix that works for school development: case studies from Portugal

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Abstract by Helena Kovacs and Malte Gregorzewski at ICSEI 2018, National Institute of Education, Singapore, 8 – 12 January 2018.

Teacher Subjective Theory of Assessment: A Methodological Perspectives

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Presentation by Kinley Seden during EERA Summer School 2017, Department of Education and Psychology, Johannes Kepler University, 10 – 14 July 2017, Linz, Austria.

Developing Teacher Subjective Theory of Assessment

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Presentation by Kinley Seden during ATEE Conference 2017, Faculty of Education, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, 23 – 25 October 2017, Dubrovnik, Croatia.

Teacher Subjective Theory of Assessment: Literature Review

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Abstract by Kinley Seden in ICET 2017 Book of Abstracts, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, 28 – 30 June 2017, Brno, Czech Republic.

Teacher Subjectivity of Assessment: Exploring EFL teachers’ beliefs about assessment that influence student learning

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Abstract by Kinley Seden in Book of Abstracts of the 38th ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR, International Society for Teacher Education,  Joetsu University of Education, 13 – 18 May 2018, Joetsu, Niigata, Japan.

European school appraches to cultural diversity

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VII Fórum de Jovens Investigadores – Book of Abstracts and Nikolett Szelei presentation, Instituto de Educação da Universidade de Lisboa, 7 – 8 July 2016, Lisbon, Portugal.

What makes a ‘European teacher’? Comparing teacher education reforms in Austria, Greece and Hungary from a European perspective

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Abstract by Vasileios Symeonidis included in a book of abstracts of CESE 2018, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, May 28 – June 1 2018.

The role of training programs in the preparation for autonomy in reflection of CPD

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Abstract by Csilla Pesti, Krisztina Nagy, Nóra Rapos for Education Policy and Culture: Consistent and Radical Transformations, Faculty of Education, University of Tampere, 27 – 28 August 2017, Tampere, Finland

Professional Learning in changing times: An inter-professional overview

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Abstract by Deisi Yunga for HuCER 2017, Hungarian Educational Research Association – HERA & Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Education and Psychology, 25 – 26 May 2017, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary.