Federal Institute for Educational Research, Innovation & Development of the Austrian School System (BIFIE) – established in 2008 BIFIE aims for quality assurance and quality development in the Austrian school system. It compares development via large-scale assessments of student achievement and the contexts on a national and international scale in order to provide the results for location-based quality development initiatives and accompanies reform projects with evaluation studies and educational research.
Volksschule Innere Stadt – we are a public elementary school in the center of Innsbruck. Our school is currently visited by 230 children whose parents come from 36 nations and now live in Innsbruck. We offer our students a comfortable learning environment and a clearly structured prepared pedagogical settings in ways that “personal learning” can be enacted. Elements of Montessori – pedagogy support our methods.
Bundesrealgymnasium in der Au – currently 900 students forming 34 classes are studying at the Bundesrealgymnasium in der Au, where 85 teachers and a small administrative team are employed. The main focus of our pedagogical work is formed both by a appreciative work relationship between all persons involved and the prying view on the world outside our school.
Neue Mittelschule Vomp-Stans – a public, compulsory secondary school for pupils aged ten to fourteen for children living in the districts of Vomp and Stans in Tyrol, Austria.
Conselho Nacional de Educação (National Education Council) (CNE) – the Portuguese Education Council (CNE) is an independent advisory body on educational matters, whose President is elected by the Parliament. CNE produces statements and recommendations on educational matters, according to its own agenda or as a response to requests from the Parliament or the Government. CNE promotes the debate among social, economic and cultural interest groups, in order to reach consensus on educational matters.
Agrupamento de Escolas de Alvalade (Alvalade School Group) (AEA) – the Agrupamento de Escolas de Alvalade is a cluster of schools located in Lisbon. It includes four schools, ranging from early years to secondary education, and a total of around 2150 pupils. The school cluster includes also a teacher training centre (Centro de Formação de Associação de Escolas Prof. João Soares), and a centre for lifelong/ vocational training.
NOMADA – Association for Multicultural Society Integration – an NGO concerned with the popularization and protection of human rights. Nomada works especially with marginalized groups that have been excluded from society such as immigrants, foreigners, and ethnic and religious minorities. Through number of actions, projects and cooperation with outside groups, NOMADA creates relationships based on mutual understanding and good communication.
Secondary School No. XII (Liceum Ogólnokształcące Nr XII im. Bolesława Chrobrego) (SSXII) – the school, established more than 50 years ago, currently has 700 students in 22 class groups and several interdisciplinary faculties. The staff consists of about 65 highly qualified and experienced teachers. The school is well-known for high level of education, focus on innovative education methodologies and a wide range of extra-curricular activities. The graduates of the school successfully enter universities, both in Poland and abroad, and are known for their academic achievements and professional careers.
Foundation of International Education (Fundacja Edukacji Międzynarodowej) (FEM) – Established in 1998 the Foundation aims at enriching the education of society by supporting activities which: shape regional identity and build bridges among cultures/nations, support educational institutions by organizing international contacts, and foremost, maintain the unique features of each person, his/her abilities and potentials developed in schools and through projects run by FIE.
HA Foundation – Szalom Alejchem Primary School (Fundacja HA) – Paula Ollendorff Foundation was established to run the Jewish Primary School Szalom Alejchem in Wrocław, a non-public school founded in 1998 in Wrocław. It is not a religious school and is open for both, Jewish and non-Jewish students. At present it has 40 students and 18 teacher (full time and part time). The philosophy of the school is to build in students the sensitivity to other cultures, while at the same time to develop their social skills and competences.
Prof. Stanislaw Tolpa Primary School No. 90 (Szkola Podstawowa Nr 90 im. Prof. Stanisława Tołpy we Wrocławiu) (SP90) – the school was established in 1991. Currently it has 550 students and 66 employees. Certificates and distinctions given to the school: Talent Supporting School, Talent Discovery School, School Promoting Health, Gold Medal of the University of the Third Age of the University of Wroclaw. Many activities directed toward supporting social education and ecology education.
Zespół Szkolno-Przedszkolny nr 6 is a modern school for about 500 students. It employs about 50 teachers. Our students are famous for their good academic results and commitment to helping others. We organize many charity events for people and animals in need. We spend free time with disabled children from the orphanage, young patients in hospitals etc. We like to expand our knowledge in theaters, museums, exhibitions etc. The teachers have introduced many innovative educational programmes to work with gifted children, promote healthy style of living.
Szkoła Podstawowa Nr 74 im. Prymasa Tysiąclecia (Primary School No. 74 im. The Primate of the Millennium) is located in Wroclaw. The number of students does not exceed 300, which allows them to create a pleasant atmosphere. Since 2004 the main profile of the school consists of sports and music. The extracurricular activities, the enormous engagement of the school’s management and teachers allow to create an atmosphere based on creativity and student development. The best students receive scholarships funded by the Parent Council.
Tomori Pál School (Budapest Főváros XIII. Tankerülete Számítástechnikai Általános Iskola Tomori Pál Tagiskolája) (TPS) – the Tomori School has been established in 1912 and educating children from the first grade to the eighth grade. The school defines itself as a human centred, tolerant school listening to its partners: students, teachers, parents and technical staff. Since 20 years the school has been working with a unique program with a special student-centred evaluation system using a 15 grade scale with formative assessment methods. The Tomori School is implementing a model where two teachers are leading and working in each class together and uses chess and arts education in its daily work.
Szandaszőlős Primary and Art School (Szandaszölösi Általános Iskola és Alapfokú Müvészeti Iskola) (SZA) – is a primary school educating children from the first grade to the eights grade and an art school educating children from the first grade to the twelfth grade. The school is operating in a background where all layers of society are represented, so this heterogeneous context means a healthy socio-cultural composition of students for the school. This requires that the school provide supporting environment for all students, supporting them in their talents and helping them based on their special needs.
University of Szeged – Hungarian-Netherlands School of Educational Management (Szegedi Tudományegyetem – Közoktatási Vezetőképző és Továbbképző Intézet) (HUNSEM) – is a co-operation between universities and research institutes, which was established to serve the development of the educational leadership in Hungary. The mission of the HUNSEM is (1) to provide management training and support management development of Hungary; (2) to contribute to the increase of the efficiency of public education through management training and development; (3) to promote the incorporation of innovative international experiences, the results of national and international research into national education management practice; and (4) to strengthen the relations between the secondary and tertiary education.
Children’s House Alternative Programme – Klebelsberg Kuno Primary and High School (Gyermekek Háza Alternatív Alapozó Program Klebelsberg Kuno Általános Iskola és Gimnázium) (KLE) – the mission of Gyermekek Háza is the implementation of student-centred pedagogy with special attention to the creation of equal opportunities for every student. Since 1993 Gyermekek Háza has been providing integrated education for children with special needs, and talent development. With its methods, work forms, teaching and learning techniques the school implements a milieu tailored to the children’s individual features.
Trefort Ágoston Secondary Grammar School (Trefort Ágoston Gyakorlógimnázium) (TAG) – was founded in 1872 with the intention of supporting the education of young teachers. The School is one of the teacher training schools affiliated to Eötvös Loránd University and it has been famous for its innovative and experimenting nature. It is a mixed school with students aged 12-18, and there are three classes in each year of around 30-32 students. It is also a member of the European Network of Innovative Schools, was awarded the title of Eco-school by the Ministry of Education and won the European Language Label in 2009.
Miskolc-Hejőkeresztúr KIP Regional Methodological Centre (Miskolc-Hejőkeresztúr KIP Módszertani Központ) (MHKMK) – was established between the University of Miskolc and the School of Hejőkeresztúr, in order to support the preparation of teachers and schools to implement the Hungarian version of a particularly challenging pedagogical model (Complex Instruction Program) and spread this model from one school to many others. The CIP provides teacher trainings, coaching, research and project works, furthermore helps the changing of pedagogical culture of the implementing schools.
Association of Teacher Educators (Tanárképzők Szövetsége) (TKSZ) – the association has approximately 300 members from various institutions in Hungary educating teachers, primarily from higher education institutions. The Association is not only connected to several higher education institutions via their members but also by individual institutional agreements. The Association, which renewed its strategic commitments and organizational structures in 2014, regularly organizes conferences on the current topics of teacher education and supports researches in partner institutions and development work at schools.
National Institute for Further Education (Národní institu pro další vzdělávání) (NIDV) – NIFE has been established at the beginning of 2004 linking together fourteen regional pedagogical centres. NIFE is an allowance organization of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports with national range because has fourteen detached workplaces in individual regions. Recently is the NIFE focused on, in addition to preparing and realizing educational programmes, on analysing needs in the sphere of further education of pedagogical staff and on creating its own concepts in this area.
Kindergarten and Basic School “Chalabalova” – a public school engaged in an alternative schooling plan (Dalton plan), and at the same time active in their cooperation with both the tertiary sector (actively cooperating with 2 universities), and with basic schools abroad (9 partner schools all around the world).
The Czech School Inspectorate evaluates and analyses operation in nursery, primary, secondary and vocational schools, as well as in school facilities (e.g. school canteens, youth dormitories) which have been entered into the Register of Schools and School Facilities. The CSI evaluates also facilities providing vocational training or job practice. In this way, the CSI acquires relevant and broadly usable data on conditions and quality of the education system in the Czech Republic. CSI is also responsible for the analysis of the international educational survey data, such as PISA, TIMMS/PIRLS, ICILS, and TALIS.