Institutional Research
ESRs are employed as researchers at one of the five partner universities from March 1st, 2016. They pursue research and doctoral studies at the host institution and spend one semester at one of the other four partner universities (secondment institution). Below please find a short description of the research program at partner universities including links to more detailed information on the universities’ websites:
Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary
The Faculty of Education and Psychology (PPK) was founded in 2003. It is the union of renowned, historic departments and research workshops, what have been functioning as strongholds of the Hungarian pedagogy and psychology for more than a hundred years, being the leading representatives of Hungarian higher education. The profile of the faculty is twofold: on the one hand, it teaches students attending pedagogy, psychology, psychical education and recreation as their major. On the other hand, it also instructs students from all faculties of the University in teacher training or teachers’ further training (approximately 10 000 students altogether).
Further information:
Eötvös Loránd University
Kazinczy 23-27
HU-1075 Budapest, Hungary
+36 1 461 4500/3890
University of Innsbruck, Austria
The School of Education at Innsbruck University is a young and dynamic faculty dedicated to the professionalization of teachers and teacher educators with a particular interest in linking theory with practice. Our ESRs are members of the Department of Teacher Education and School Research where they are engaged in improving schooling on different system levels from policy to practice. It is the home of two nationwide initiatives (Leadership Academy and Centre for Learning Schools) which are engaged in school reform. ESRs joined a research group working in the area of teacher training or in the area of school-based research. Learning is considered as an overarching theme which lies at the heart of educative experiences. Within these areas the ESRs find a topic of their choice and negotiate it with their supervisors of the respective research group. They have the opportunity to cooperate with a number of partner institutions supporting field work (schools, national agencies and initiatives). For further details please visit
University of Innsbruck
Innrain 52
AT-6020 Innsbruck, Austria
+43 5 125 07 4659
University of Lisbon, Portugal
The Instituto de Educação (IE) is one of the 18 Faculties of the Universidade de Lisboa, involved in research and teaching in education, and service to the community. Research is a central element, both fundamental and applied research, in key domains of education and training, with particular emphasis in Administration and Evaluation, Adult and Teacher Education, Educational Policy, History and Psychology of Education, ICT in Education, and Science and Mathematics Education.IE is committed to community service activities, namely intervention and curriculum development projects and evaluation studies in response to requests from external institutions and the Ministry of Education. The IE also offers continuing education courses for school teachers and other professionals.
The Institute collaborates with national and international partners in research projects and has an interest to integrate academics from different parts of the world, as post-doc collaborators, PhD and Master degree students, especially those working in projects that expect to have a positive impact in education in Portugal and in other countries.
The UIDEF [Unit for Research and Development in Education and Training] is a research centre connected to the Instituto de Educação of the Universidade de Lisboa. Research done at UIDEF focuses on education and training processes, organizations, and their representations in the fields of formal and non-formal education and training at macro, meso and micro level. The aim of UIDEF is to develop a multidimensional understanding of educational and training stakeholders, processes and organizations, diagnosing problems and needs, and gathering evidence for research based intervention
University of Lisbon
Alameda da Universidade
1649-013 Lisbon, Portugal
+35 1 217 94 3853
University of Lower Silesia, Wrocław, Poland
At the University of Lower Silesia, ESRs are actively involved in the creation of the EDiTE research community within the International Institute for the Study of Culture and Education, a dynamic center for educational research and practice at the Faculty of Education. The ULS – EDiTE research community includes supervisors (professors of education, anthropology and philosophy), co-supervisors (assistant professors of education and sociology), practitioners (teachers, school directors, etc.) and other doctoral students. Building on the expertise of ULS faculty and established partnerships with schools and educational institutions, the EDiTE research community focuses on pursuing theoretical, ethnographic and action research-based studies focused on changing school cultures and transformative teacher professionalisms. Dissertation topics include: Critical ethnographies of learning and teaching in transforming institutions; Emancipatory possibilities of the teaching profession and practice; Democratic teacher professionalism and transformative learning; New Teachers Identities in Europe. For more information, please see e
University of Lower Silesia
Wagonowa 9
53-609 Wrocław, Poland
+48 71 356 1572
Masaryk University, Brno, the Czech Republic
The Faculty of Arts through its 22 academic departments located in different modern and historic buildings well equipped with the advance IT facilities, offers its 5856 students a wide range of academic and research programs in diverse areas such as; philosophy, history, linguistics, archeology, theatre, musicology, psychology, ascetics, cultural studies, teaching, learning and many more from bachelors to doctorate level. 39 professors and 73 associate professors are deputed on regular basis to supervise the doctoral students in different departments of the faculty. As a research oriented institution, MU Faculty of Arts is enriched with scientific research facilities, intellectual as well other resources and research communities all geared to capturing the time tested, life centered and research based learning eminences.
The Central Library at the faculty with stocks of physical resources as well as unlimited access to online learning databases, The Experimental Humanities Laboratory – HUME lab and The Centre for Information Technologies for technological support are the special features supporting its advance academic learning and scientific research goals.
The Department of Educational Sciences has 42 doctoral students currently supervised by both professors and associate professors. The Department of Educational Sciences runs a number of research projects in partnership with internal, national and international research grants institutions so as to support doctoral research projects.
Masaryk University
Žerotínovo nám. 617/9
601-77 Brno, Czech Republic
+42 0 549 49 1111