Intensive research


EDiTE enters its second cycle (01.10.2015-30.09.2019) as a Horizon 2020 funded project (H2020-MSCA-ITN-2015). This Homepage will be updated shortly.

Welcome to EDiTE - European Doctorate in Teacher Education.
The EU funded multilateral project offers a new curriculum for teacher education designed to create a joint platform between academics and substantiate applied research areas through the production of grounded knowledge.

• Aims to develop an original, transnational and interdisciplinary joint doctoral programme in teacher education.
• Creates a closer link between practice and theory in teacher education.
• Moves transnational research in teacher education nearer to national educational institutions.
• Provides a forum for collecting and sharing theoretical knowledge and good practice from a European perspective.
• Develops a highly novel and innovative solution to the identified needs of the target group.
• Carries potential to act as a generative model for the development of other European joint study programmes.
• Promotes standards, procedures and unifying principles for the design, organization and development of doctoral study programmes in teacher education.