Entries by adminEDiTE

EDiTE Summer School in Wroclaw, June 19-23, 2017

The EDiTE Summer School 2017 was held in Wroclaw, Poland and was organized by the team of the University of Lower Silesia. It took place from June 19 to 23, and was attended by roughly 60 participants, including EDiTE researchers, supervisors and representatives of the partner organizations as well as members of the Scientific Supervisory […]

EDiTE Researchers participate at the 61st ICET World Assembly, 2017

The 61st ICET World Assembly was held in Masaryk University, Brno from 28th to 30th June. The conference was hosted by Faculty of Arts, Department of Educational Sciences with Dr. Roman Švaříček, supervisor to one of the EDiTE fellows, as the conference chair. The title of the conference was, “Re-thinking Teacher Professional Education: Using Research […]

EDiTE Researchers at Freire Conference at the University of Gdansk

From April 26-28, 2017 six EDiTE researchers from the University of Lower Silesia made their way to Gdansk University (GU) in Poland where Prof. Maria Mendel hosted a unique conference on Freire Today: Educational Reconstructions in the Contemporary Social Context. Prof. Mendel, director of the Institute of Education at Gdansk University had invited a special […]

A lecture on Tennessee Education System

Teacher week also known as Tyden Ucitelstvi 2017 was marked from 24th to 28th April, 2017 at the Faculty of Arts, Department of Educational Sciences, Masaryk University. During this week on 26th April at 14:00 hour, Ezra Howard one of the recipient of Marie-Sklodowska-Curie grant under the European Doctorate in Teacher Education Programme delivered a […]

The Learning Teacher Workshop Conference

The Learning Teacher Workshop Conference was organized within the Learning Teacher research framework of the EU H2020 MSCA funded European Doctorate in Teacher Education (EDiTE) on 25 April, 2017. On this occasion participants could listen to the presentations of PhD students (four on Hungarian and four on English languages) at the Pedagogical and Psychological Faculty […]

Open Lecture and Seminar with prof. Dave Hill and dr. Leena Robertson

From April 19-21, 2017 we had a lecture and two extremely inspiring seminars with professor Dave Hill and dr. Leena Robertson (Middlesex Universiry London) at University of Lower Silesia. Prof. Dave Hill presented a Marxist critique of neoliberalism with a special focus to education policies and we discussed his proposal: a socialist manifesto for education. […]

Internationalisation of Teacher Education

EDiTE was present at the 1st European Conference on Internationalisation of Teacher Education which took place at the Goethe University Frankfurt, 29-30 March. EDiTE researcher Vasileios Symeonidis participated in the activities and workshops of the specific conference which aimed at discussing possibilities and alternatives of recognition of study programme achievements as well as final qualifications from […]