Negotiating Identities Across Europe’s Borders (Poland, Czech Republic, Germany, Lithuania)


The Program Director of the Culture and Politics of Reconciliation in Central Europe, Professor Hana Cervinkova, and core curriculum Professor Juliet D. Golden have run this outstanding and recently awarded Study Abroad Program with the Syracuse University of New York for 12 years. Also in this year’s fall semester, the University of Lower Silesia became the academic home to American Syracuse students who together with some of the Polish EDiTE researchers entered the journey of exploring Central and East Europe’s borderlands from Lithuania to Poland, the Czech Republic and Germany. The program invites analysis and reflection on memories of conflict and reconciliation as well as civic organisations that initiate the building of bridges between the past and present and fragmented societies of today. The program is accompanied by a rigorous study plan, including courses, such as Exploring Culture and Society in Transition: Gender, Sexuality, Class, and Race in Poland, Discord and Unity: Engaging the Contemporary World Through Ethics and Philosophy, and Civil Society East and West.

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