
EDiTE Summer School 2016

EDiTE Summer School 2016

Research as Social Change
28.06-1.07.2016, Brno, Czech Republic

We had our 1st Summer School with a strong focus on “research as social change”. Researchers presented their individual research plans and the alignment of their research projects within the programme theme “Tranformative Teacher Learning for Better Student Learning within and Emerging European Context”.

Main Organiser and Host:
Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Arts. Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic


EDUPRO Conference

From June 22-24, 2016, the EDUPRO conference themed: The ways of Lifelong Learning – Towards socially relevant quality in European universities took place in Wroclaw. This was the first occasion for all EDiTE researchers at the University of Lower Silesia to practice a joint presentation. We participated in a simple yet effective presentation format – the learning café – that enabled us to share our professional life stories as examples of life long learning. The University of Lower Silesia served for us an example of softening boundaries for non-traditional adult students in Higher Education. We introduced examples of our research project in order to show how we contribute to the idea of lifelong learning by encouraging reflection and empowerment of teachers as adult learners. Conclusively, the plenary sessions were pleasant experiences and great stimulants for interaction with professors attending and listening to our presentations. This exchange proved fruitful for our further research work and presenetation skills.

Read more here!


Seminar and public lecture with prof. David Ost

On the 23th of May 2016, professor David Ost (Hobart and William Smith Colleges) gave a public lecture with the title “Po solidarności” (After Solidarity) at the University of Lower Silesia. The lecture was organized by the EDiTE programme and IISCE (International Institute for the Study of Culture and Education). EDiTE researchers had the honourable opportunity to have a seminar with professor Ost, and discussed among others his concepts of solidarity – from above (state socialism), egalitarian (social-democratic), exclusionary (fascist) -, possible varieties of capitalism (liberal market economy, coordinated market economy, etc.), and the managerialization and decline of unions with a special focus of the possibilities of teachers’ unions and how the post-socialist heritage makes these unions weak in contemporary neoliberalizing East-Central Europe. We recommend here two of his recetn articles, discussing the Regime Change in Poland, Carried Out From Within and his Thoughts on the Hungarian and Polish New Right in Power.


English with Diane Nottle, former New York Times editor

In Spring 2016, EDiTE researchers had the opportunity to take part in an extensive English course geared towards high-intermediate and advanced English-speakers who sought to intensify their knowledge with regard to language specifics used in the media, the arts or academia. Lecturer, Diane Nottle from New York, has not only published hundreds of articles in American newspapers and magazines, she also recently released her latest book, titled: American English for World Media. Having been an editor of the New York Times for 20 years, Diane taught her students at ULS how to compose basic news writing, interviewing, and press releases. Additionally, she expanded our competence in digital media, helped refining our vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar, as well as explored with us the differences between local and English-language media.

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