EDiTE Researcher wins 2019 Concha Delgado Gaitan Presidential Fellowship for Early Career Scholars by the Council on Anthropology and Education

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EDiTE graduate Josefine Wagner (University of Lower Silesia & University of Innsbruck) was one out of five early career scholars that received the 2019 Concha Delgado Gaitan Presidential Fellowship Award by the Council on Anthropology and Education (CAE). As a section of the American Anthropological Association, CAE met during the annual meeting conference in Vancouver, Canada from Nov. 20-24, 2019 to acknowledge the work of senior and junior colleagues, as well as recent dissertations and books. The early career presidential fellowship includes a travel stipend and a one-year mentoring opportunity with the council’s past president Thea Abu El-Haj whose work has been highly influential for Josefine’s doctoral research on inclusive policies and practices in Central European schools. With this mentoring opportunity, CAE intends to “give early career scholars a mentoring boost toward tenure and/ or professional success, and to cultivate the next generation of CAE leadership” (anthrosource.com).

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  1. CurtisBah says: