Grammars of Schooling in the Post-Authoritarian Context: A Comparative Study of Changing Teaching Practices in Elementary Education in Czech, Polish and Portuguese Schools

Author: Lucie Bucharová


Rethinking ‘cultural activities’: An examination of how teachers utilised student voice as a pedagogical tool in multicultural schools

Authors: Nikolett Szelei, Luís Tinoca, Ana Sofia Pinho


Európai doktori tanulmányok a tanárképzés területén: átformáló tanári tanulás a jobb tanulói tanulásért egy kialakuló európai kontextusban

Author: Csilla Pesti


We should’ve made a revolution: A critical rhapsody of the Hungarian education system’s catching-up revolutions since 1989

Authors: Tamás Tóth, György Mészáros, András Marton
